By Ali Capron
Depending on the source, adults between the ages of 20 and 40 have oily skin. If you’re doing the math, approximately one in two adults has to worry. Then consider people who regularly participate in high-intensity workouts, this can be extra difficult. These workouts produce lots and lots of sweat, and sweat clogs the pores. It is therefore important to choose a skincare regime that is powerful enough to combat a powerful workout.
Basic Hygiene
First of all, exercise is much more beneficial to skin. In fact, it’s not so much the exercise that causes skin imperfections, but the lack of proper hygiene before, during, and after workouts. Before a person starts a workout he or she should remove all makeup and wear clean clothing. This is done to prevent dirt from makeup and unwashed clothing, from clogging one’s pores. During a workout one should have a towel with which to wipe off sweat. Stewing in one’s sweat for an entire workout, especially one that is highly intense, will blend dirt and oils and increase the likelihood of acne appearing. Once the workout is finished, a person should shower to remove all the leftover dirt, oil, and sweat.
Exfoliators, Cleansers, and Bodywash
A person can make their skincare regime more effective by applying cleansers like Olivella Face & Body Cleansing Tissues which can be used when needed – when you wake up, before going to the gym, after going to the gym and before bed – to remove excess grime. This product contains both soap and moisturizer for a multipurpose solution. A person who engages in intense workouts can also benefit from exfoliation. The Olivella Exfoliating Bar Soap utilizes apricot seeds, microbeads, and virgin olive oil to deep-clean pores and rejuvenate workout-ragged skin. But the face isn’t the only area where skin can be negatively affected by high impact exercise. Cyclists, for instance, struggle with not just excessive sweating, but chapped lips and sunburns. Since their exercise demands so much from their bodies, many cyclists’ incorporate lip balm, barrier cream, sunscreen, and full-body wash into their skincare regime.
Cleaning the Equipment
This last step is perhaps the most crucial but also most-often ignored. Exercise equipment is one of yoga mats, bicycle seats, dumbbells, barbells, and literally every other kind of workout equipment that is festering with bacteria that in a few simple exchanges, will make their way to your face. Therefore, it is in the gym goers’ best interests to wipe down the equipment before and after use.
High impact workouts can leave your muscles in good shape but your skin in bad shape. This is not due to the exercises, but improper skin maintenance during the routine. But by following basic hygiene practices described above, using supplementary skincare products, and cleaning exercise equipment before and after use, high impact athletes can make blemishes a relic of the past.