Flowers are in! Of course when were they ever out?! Floral patterns have been around for quite some time and their origins as a design motif for fabrics can be traced back to Asia.
According to Start Up Fashion “the origin of floral fabric patterns can be found in Asia, where flowers are an integral part of the culture. In Japan, the chrysanthemum featured heavily in textile motifs, particularly in kimono fabrics. It’s naturally long, slender petals radiated similarly to the sun’s rays, and so the flower became synonymous with the sun, as well as a symbol of the royal family. Floral motifs were rendered using various surface design techniques, including katazome rice paste printing, shibori stitch-resist, and e-gasuri dyeing.”
Fast forward to today and their use in all things fashion has greatly evolved – from hats to shoes, it is clear this naturistic inspiration is here to stay.