4 easy facial care tips to brace the coming season
1. Hydrate, the shifting seasons don’t only signify a change in climate but also in your skin. More sun exposure means you need to start your moisturizer regimen from the inside, by upping your water intake. Go on, you know it’s good for you!
2. Exfoliate, nothing makes you feel ready for a new season then scrubbing off old skin cells to leave the pore ready for a fresh start. Try Olivella’s exfoliating soap followed by the scrub. The crushed seeds from Apricots, form micro beads which exfoliate your dry skin and make it smoother and renewed, brightening dull skin while also providing moisture.
3. Moisturize, moisturize, repeat. From head to toe you should be certain to smooth on facial and body creams. And why not use ones based in olive oil, providing the antioxidants your skin craves. Olivella Moisturizer Cream has a lighter texture than the other face products and everyone can use it as it is ideal for all ages and all skin types. Follow that with an all over body lotion light in texture, you will find our Olivella Body Lotion a great addition to your skin protection throughout the year, but especially in warm seasons.
4. Let’s face it, eye cream is great to use in any season. Olivella Contour Eye Cream revitalizes and hydrates your contour eye area. You will notice positive results and rejuvenating effects and our cream diminishes the appearance of fine lines.