Without a doubt, olive oil has become an essential addition to any DIY beauty aficionado’s tool bag. Olive oil is completely natural, and it’s packed with antioxidants and the hydrating compound known as squalene. Much like coconut oil, this ancient remedy is a perfect treatment for hair, nails, and skin – and has been used as a beauty aid for almost four thousand years!
If you haven’t jumped on board the olive oil train already, here are ten reasons why you’ll want to start using olive oil for your skin:
Olive oil’s great for exfoliating.
Olive oil has a deep penetrating quality that works well with mild abrasives such as sea salt. Simply mix a teaspoon or two of oil with the sea salt and rub the mixture over your skin. The treatment will remove dead skin cells and impart a healthy glow on your skin.
It boasts powerful anti-aging properties.
Rife with antioxidants, olive oil is a great way to protect your skin from premature aging. Vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols abound in olive oil (and we already know how good Vitamin E is for your skin!)
Olive oil has numerous uses – for men and women!
Apart from applying directly to skin, olive oil makes for a fantastic shaving cream replacement and aftershave. It can also be used to clean earwax from your years (put a few drops in each ear before bedtime to loosen the wax) and to clean your makeup brushes (mix one part olive oil with two parts antibacterial soap to make a nifty brush cleanser.)
It won’t clog your pores.
Commercial moisturizers can make skin problems worse by clogging pores. Olive oil is a much better solution, as it soaks in deeply while cleaning, rather than stopping up, your skin.
It’ll take care of chapped lips.
You can apply olive oil directly to chapped lips to moisturize, or you can make a lip scrub by combining coarse sugar and olive oil.
It works well as a cure for eczema.
Olive oil is capable of treating a number of skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and diaper rash. Be sure to use the unrefined olive oil to see the most benefit.
It can help prevent skin cancer.
All of those great antioxidants in olive oil can also help protect your skin from deadly melanoma and general UV damage by battling harmful free radicals.
Olive oil is a great makeup remover.
Rubbing an oil on your face might seem counter-productive, but it’s actually quite effective. The olive oil attracts other oils – including those used in creating makeup – helping to lift it from your skin. And since olive oil doesn’t clog pores, it will leave your skin feeling cleaner and refreshed.
It’s reported to have antimicrobial benefits.
One of the reasons why olive oil is a great treatment for skin disorders is its antimicrobial properties. This means it’s also a great substitute for triple antibiotic cream when you’re treating a small cut or scrape.
For general hydration of skin, it’s tough to beat olive oil.
Instead of reaching for a thick, emollient cream to fight dry skin, you may be better off reaching for the Extra Virgin Olive Oil in your pantry. Olive oil will help fight skin damage while restoring your skin’s essential moisture barrier.